
一橋大学2016 第一問

I 次の英文を読み、下の問いに答えなさい。

Today, we are confronted with an unprecedented amount of information, and each of us generates more information than ever before in human history. As former Boeing scientist and New York Times writer Dennis Overbye notes, this information stream contains “more and more information about our lives – where we shop and what we buy, indeed, where we are right now - the economy, the genomes of countless organisms we can’t even name yet, galaxies full of stars We haven’t counted, traffic jams in Singapore and the weather on Mars.” That information “tumbles faster and faster through bigger and bigger computers down to everybody’s fingertips, which are holding devices with more processing power than the Apollo mission control.” Information scientists have measured all this: in 2011, Americans took in five times as much information every day as they did in 1986 - the equivalent of 175 newspapers.

Our brains do have the ability to process the information we take in but at a cost: we can have trouble separating the trivial from the important, an all this information processing makes us tired. Neurons are living cells with a metabolism; they need Oxygen and glucose to survive and when they’ve been working hard, we experience fatigue. Every status update you read on Facebook, every tweet or text message you get from a friend, is competing for resources in your brain with important things like whether to put your savings in Stocks or bonds, where you left your passport, or how best to reconcile with a close friend you just had an argument with.

The Speed at which the conscious mind can process information has been estimated at 120 bits per second. That bandwidth is the speed limit for the traffic of information we can pay conscious attention to at any one time. While a great deal occurs below the threshold of our awareness, and this has an impact on how we feel and what our life is going to be like, in order for Something to become part of our experience, we need to have paid conscious attention to it.

What does this bandwidth restriction –– this information speed limit –– mean in terms of our interactions with others? In order to understand one person speaking to us, we need to process 60 bits of information per second. With a processing limit of 120 bits per second, this means you can barely understand two people talking to you at the same time. Under most circumstances, you will not be able to understand three people talking at the same time. We’re surrounded on this planet by billions of other humans, but we can understand only two at a time at the most. It’s no wonder that the world is filled with so much misunderstanding.

With so many limitations on human attention, it’s clear why many of us feel Overwhelmed by managing some of the most basic aspects of life. Part of the reason is that our brains evolved to help us deal with life during the hunter gatherer phase of human history, a time when we might encounter no more than a thousand people in our lifetime. Walking around midtown Manhattan, you’ll pass that number of people in half an hour.

Attention is the most essential mental resource for any organism. It determines which aspects of the environment we deal with, and most of the time, various automatic, Subconscious processes make the correct choice about what gets passed through to our conscious awareness. For this to happen, millions of neurons are constantly monitoring the environment to select the most important things for us to focus on. These neurons are collectively called the attentional filter. They work mostly in the background, outside of our conscious awareness. This is why we don’t notice many little details in our daily lives, or why, when you’ve been driving on the freeway for several hours, you don’t remember much of the scenery: your attentional system “protects” you from registering it because it isn’t considered important. This unconscious filter follows certain principles about what it will let through to your conscious awareness.

The attentional filter is one of evolution’s greatest achievements. In nonhumans, it ensures that they don’t get distracted. Squirrels are interested in nuts and predators, and not much else. Dogs, whose olfactory sense is one million times more sensitive than ours, use Smell to gather information about the World more than they use sound, and their attentional filter has evolved to make that so. If you’ve ever tried to call your dog while he is smelling something interesting, you know that it is very difficult to catch his attention with Sound — smell is a more important sense than Sound in the dog brain. No one has yet learned everything about the human attentional filter, but we’ve discovered a great deal about it.

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