
京都大学2016 第一問

次の文章を読み、下の設問(1)(2)に答えなさい。 (50点)

In the dry red soil of Chimayo, New Mexico, there is a hole in the ground that some call holy. They intend no pun, no play on words. The hole is a serious matter; the locals who tend to it would no more joke about their humble opening in the earth than they would a hole in the head, or the heart.

Though it has a long and eclectic spiritual history, the hole sits today in the back corner of a Roman Catholic Church, El Santuario de Chimayo, which is among the most frequently visited religious pilgrimage sites in America. Hundreds of thousands of true believers and curious souls visit every year to line up in a small side chapel strewn with pictures of loved ones lost. They crowd into a closet-sized space around the hole, bend at the knees, dip their hands into the cool of the gap below, and pull up big handfuls of dirt. Visitors to Chimayo believe that eating the dirt brings miracles.

Some would call it folk religion - not the real or legitimate practice of a Christian church but an indigenous corruption of the sanctioned Sacrament of Communion. Others might suggest it is in fact something more complicated: a distinctly American form of religious syncretism, a blending of faith traditions so complete that it is difficult to separate one from the other. Implicit in each of these explanations is a more obvious physical truth. The church was built over a hole in the ground that has history both connected to and independent of the structure around it. To extend the symbolic story: In thinking about religion in American history, we have too often focused only on the church standing above the hole and not on the hole itself, nor on the people lining up to make the soil within a part of their blood, their bones. The United States is a land shaped and informed by internal religious diversity some of it obvious, some of it hidden - and yet the history we have all been taught has mostly failed to convey this...We have learned history from the middle rather than the margins, though it is the latter from which so much of our culture has been formed.

We need only look to the point often seen as the beginning to know this is true. It is the story we memorized in School: In fourteen hundred and ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue . . . and he did so, we all have been taught, On Orders and at the expense of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic monarchs of Spain. The largest of his ships was named for the mother of the Christian Savior. In his journal, which begins in the form of a prayer, “In the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ,” Columbus writes of standards bearing the cross brought onto the lands he was soon to conquer.

Less well known are the men who sailed with Columbus who did not call this symbol their own. No less than America would be, Europe at the time was a place endlessly conflicting over its multi-religious past. Having shaped so much of Iberian culture, practitioners of Judaism and Islam provided Spain’s Catholics with a daily reminder that their world was not made by the church alone. Whether this reminder was mere embarrassment or existential threat, it was reason enough to force them out. Columbus devotes the first words of his diary to praising Spain for evicting its religious minorities in the same year he began his voyage, and yet his own adventure could not have been accomplished without men drawn from the very peoples he was so pleased to See driven from their homes. It was precisely their connections to exiled faiths that led several of his crewmen to join a mission that was less likely to end in riches than a watery grave.

*sacrament of Communion ミサで聖体を受け取ること

1492年の降服の時の協約によれば、イスラーム教徒は政治権力は引き渡しても、イスラーム教を守り、また衣装、習俗、言語などに関してもじぶんたちのものを守ってイベリア半島に居住しても良いという、かなり寛大な条件を与えられていた。のちに、彼らがたびたび反乱を企てるので、1502年に追放令が出される。一方、ユダヤ教徒に対してはそれに比べてかなり厳しく、グラナダ陥落の直後の1492年3月31日に、ユダヤ教徒追放令(ユダヤ人追放令)が出されている。<増田義郎『コロンブス』岩波新書 p.133>

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