I 次の英文(A)と(B)を読み、それぞれの下線部の意味を日本語で表しなさい。
(A) Human beings are good at finding all the ways in which to be creative within prescribed limits –– painting inside a rectangular frame, writing in iambic pentameters or composing a sonnet. Scientists sometimes like to study how that creativity occurs, what it achieves, and where else to look for inspiration. Many artists are nervous about scientific analysis. They fear its success, worried that art might lose its power, or they might be diminished, if the psychological roots of their work and its impact on us were exposed.
(B) From a broad range of early cultures, extending back to about a million years, natural objects began to be used as tools and implements to supplement or enhance the capacities of the hand. For example, the hand is capable of clawing soil to dig out an edible root, but a digging Stick or clam shell is also capable of being grasped to do the job more easily, in a sustainable manner, reducing damage to fingers and nails.
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